If you think you or someone you know is being sexually assaulted there is a variety of support options available to both students and staff.  

For students and staff 

Independent Sexual Violence Advisors (ISVAs). (can be accessed by contacting your local Sexual Assault Referral Centre.) ISVAs are trained to look after the needs of a survivor of rape or sexual violence to ensure they receive the best possible care and understanding. Contact them and ask to speak to an advisor in confidence. ISVAs are there to provide information to ensure an individual can make a decision that is right for them. 

For students 
RVC’s Advice Centre offer emotional and practical support. This could include a referral for counselling or mental health support, signposting to specialist external resources and providing advice and support to co-ordinate any reasonable adjustments if your studies have been affected. For more information on the support we offer and to book an appointment please visit our Learn site or contact us on 020 8051 3500 or email advice@rvc.ac.uk

For staff
Care First - The College, in partnership with 'Care First', offers a counselling and advisory service to RVC employees as an additional source of workplace support.

Other sources of support 

  • Rape Crisis is a confidential support service run by women for women and girls who have been raped or sexually abused. 
  • The Survivors Trust provides a comprehensive and co-ordinated forensic, counselling and aftercare service to men, women and children who have experienced rape or sexual assault, whether this has happened recently or in the past. 
  • Galop is a charity that supports lesbian, gay, bi, trans, and queer people affected by sexual violence. 
  • The National Stalking Helpline can give you information and advice on support and options available to you. 
  • Women’s Aid provides a range of services for people experiencing domestic violence including helpline, IDVA, outreach, and refuge. 
  • MALE is an advice line for male victims of domestic abuse. 
  • NHS First steps gives advice on what to do immediately after a sexual assault or rape. 
  • NHS Help offers help to those have been sexually assaulted. 
  • Sexual Assault Referral Centres – an online service that helps people locate their nearest sexual assault referral centre. 
Camden Sexual Assault Referral Centre:  Sexual Assault Referral Centre - The Haven Paddington, Contact Telephone Number: 020 3299 6900, Website: www.thehavens.org.uk 

Hawkshead Sexual Assault Referral Centre: Herts Sexual Assault Referral Centre, Contact Telephone Number: 0808 178 4448 - 24 Hours, Website: www.hertssarc.org Email Herts.SARC@nhs.net  
  • SurvivorsUK helps men affected by sexual abuse and offers a range of support services, including counselling and therapy appointments as well as web and SMS chat.  
  • NIA provides services for women and young people who have experienced male violence. 
  • You & Co is Victim Support's youth programme that helps young people cope with the impact and effects of crime. 




There are two ways you can tell us what happened